Dear employers,
Not to make excuses but the Gen Z workforce isn't in search of jobs. We are in search of fulfilment. We are not in the game of loyalty, we are in a game of quality of life. We are not even in search of big sums of money. Once we have a single room, a MacBook, an iPhone and a pair of AirPods, we are okay.
We want to work for whoever respects and appreciates us, not necessarily who puts food on our table. Treat us with respect and a sense of being heard and trust me, you have our souls. Appease us, or lose us and get stuck with people from your generation. In fact, we would rather stay hungry than be disrespected or remain unheard. It is what it is.
As young as we are, we are aware of the impact we bring to your organisation. In fact, we can properly quantify that impact. And that knowledge of how much we offer spurs us to want a soft life. We will give 100% within 2 hours to complete all tasks and spend the next 6 hours on TikTok. We, unlike your generation, are more efficient.
We would rather get things done immediately and have a lot of free time on our hands, than "act busy". And oh, we hate micro supervision. Just give us the task, and let us figure out how to get it done. We are independent beings who know how to use google. Why do you even hire us? Do you hire us to get the work done? Or to act like we are getting things done?
And hey, fret not if you don't see us handling a task you give to us immediately. We, as you know, have very short attention spans. As such, we have mastered the art of processing tasks in our subconscious memory. Give us the job and trust us. We would get it done. No questions asked. No shabby work. Trust us! We would deliver.
We TikTok and Netflix to get our minds off the tasks we have to complete so we can focus more on them. Counterintuitive? Yes! But that's how we roll in these times. Deadlines are our bread and butter. We have access to a lot of information so it means that we can come up with a wide range of ideas and possible solutions. Yes! Take it or swallow it.
In short, we are innovative and - yes lazy. But then again, what other option do you have? You're stuck with us for life! ❤️😌
Yours truly,
The Gen Z workforce.