The biblical phrase "Out of my belly shall flow rivers of living waters" has been impressed on my mind for quite some time this year and I sought to explore what it meant. Why did it keep bugging me? What is the historical context of this phrase? In fact, what do "rivers of living water" even mean? I'm glad you asked!
Side note: I know you technically didn't ask. But hey! Here I am, always giving you answers to questions you probably don't care about. Yeah, I love y'all too.
Some Context: the verse can be found in John 7:38.
John 7: 38 (KJV) He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
Now, if you start reading from the beginning of John 7, you realise that this phrase was most likely said during or around the time period of the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles. During this time, the Jewish people would remember God's intervention during their time in the wilderness. And as part of this remembrance, the priests would carry water into the altar in the temple - kind of commemorating God's provision of water from the rock. (Yeah, a Moses-era miracle).
But what's even more significant is the fact that the concept of living water comes previously in John 4, when he talks to the Samaritan woman at the well. And you'd realise if you read it carefully that Jesus didn't say he's the living water, but that he would give her the living water.
Upon further readings and observations, you'd realise also that this living water being spoken about is the Holy Spirit (John 7:39. Now, by inference, believing in Jesus means that you're filled with the living water, in the person of the Holy Spirit.
Rivers are not stagnant, they flow. And this means that as Christians, the rivers of living water should not stay in us. It should be reflected in all we do, and not just in our prayer lives. The concept of rivers of living waters flowing in us doesn't just hold on days we speak in tongues and pray in the spirit.
It reflects in our every single action. It should be a representation of the Holy Spirit in us! All our thoughts, all our words, all our actions as Christians should breathe life because what? We're filled with rivers of living water! Breathe life into all you do, my people.
Yes, your belly might be filled with living water, but is it flowing?