Some months ago, I was privileged to attend the YPYC's "Transform Africa 2021" conference at the Accra International Conference Center. It was such an amazing experience learning from leaders and people who are causing a change in their own big/small ways.
My biggest lesson for the day however came from a very unexpected place - boiled groundnuts!

I got myself some boiled groundnuts after the event to fulfil some long time cravings — although I was quite hungry. As I ate the groundnuts, I found myself following a very funny pattern. The picky eater in me was inadvertently selecting the very good looking groundnuts and putting aside groundnuts that had a scar or a bit of blemish on them.
For some reason though, this simple act of being extra picky with groundnuts set up a chain of thoughts. The conference speakers had spoken extensively about personal branding and my mind was cast to Daniel 1:3-4.
Dan.1.3 - Then the king ordered Ashpenaz, who was in charge of the palace officials, to bring to the palace some of the young men of Judah's royal family and other noble families, who had been brought to Babylon as captives.
Dan.1.4 - "Select only strong, healthy, and good-looking young men," he said. "Make sure they are well versed in every branch of learning, are gifted with knowledge and good sense, and have the poise needed to serve in the royal palace. Teach these young men the language and literature of the Babylonians."
Here are the qualities again.
- Comes from a royal family and is a noble
- Young men without physical defect
- Handsome
- Showing aptitude for every kind of learning
- Well informed
- Quick to understand
- Able to serve in high places
I left my mind to wander as I chewed the groundnuts and I began to see a very interesting thought emerge. Before the world ever decides to test your ability, it judges you by how it sees or perceives you.
Young men with potential who weren't considered handsome by the King's servants were rejected. They were reduced to become eternal hewers of wood and drawers of water. Unfortunately, their abilities had not even been tested yet. 😪 A careful study of Daniel 1:3-4 even proves the point that looks were were very important. The first 3 requirements dealt with looks mostly.
I've been seeing posts on social media that seem to say that judge me by what I do and not by how I look. As sad as it might sound, it's a hostile world. It s our sole responsibility to present our best foot forward always! There are no in-betweens.
Even groundnuts were being judged by how they looked without regard to my hunger or how they could potentially taste. I was very hungry, but in essence, I was selecting the groundnuts that had the best brand. 💔
Ama Pratt perfectly summed this up at the event with a quote that has got me thinking.
"The difference between Kwaku Ananse and Spider-Man is branding".
One brings in billions of dollars, the other is a local legend. Which one do you choose to be?